December is here and Christmas is in full swing. Yesterday we even did some post-Christmas shopping. I know you're thinking, "What the heck?". Well, we went and purchased our wreath container to store it in when the holiday is done. Last year we went to get one after all was said and done. They were sold out of them. We had to store the beautiful wreath that Mikes mom, Renee, made for us in the cardboard box she sent it in.
Now it has it's own storage case to keep it pretty for many years to come.
Of course, we had to make a pit stop at Starbucks on the way out. Here are the girls waiting for mommy while she gets her fix.
Here is a picture I took just because. I love the way Hipstamatic makes the pictures look. It's funny how that with all of the advancement in technology to make our pictures all beautiful and crisp, we tend to adore the "old fashioned, vintage" look and try to recreate it.
I just love how this picture turned out!
Until next, I hope the start of your holiday season has been wonderful!
Have a great day!